Dear Munich dev community! we are proud to announce that the GDGs in Munich will also host a dev-fest this year in town! We will have some high-rated international talks, demos and hands-on sessions about current topics, mainly in the VR, cloud and Android sector! Here already some of the highlights: Alex Osterloh (topic: BigData, Cloud) - ca 1 hour with questions Noah Falstein (topic: VR, Ta
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Dear Munich dev community!
we are proud to announce that the GDGs in Munich will also host a dev-fest this year in town! We will have some high-rated international talks, demos and hands-on sessions about current topics, mainly in the VR, cloud and Android sector!
Here already some of the highlights:
Alex Osterloh (topic: BigData, Cloud) - ca 1 hour with questions
Noah Falstein (topic: VR, Tango) - min. 1 hour with questions
Beacons Demo - ca. 1 hour
AI talk by Neokami CTO + Demo, ca. 20-30 min.
(more to follow)
GDG Android Munich
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GDG Munich Go-Lang
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