European Cyber Security Month

October is a great month for many things and we want to make sure that cyber security is one of them! ECSM [1] is the EU’s annual awareness campaign that takes place each October across Europe. The aim is to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and organizations; and provide resources to protect themselves online, through education and sharing of good p

Oct 21, 2019, 5:00 – 7:30 PM


Key Themes


About this event

October is a great month for many things and we want to make sure that cyber security is one of them!

ECSM [1] is the EU’s annual awareness campaign that takes place each October across Europe. The aim is to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and organizations; and provide resources to protect themselves online, through education and sharing of good practices.

We are glad to have the Google Safety Engineering Center in Munich [2] contributing to this cause and willing to share their expertise with us.

Join us!


Talk 1: Data Retention in Practice
by Stefan Toman

Building products that put privacy and security first and handle user data with profound respect is essential to earn user trust. In this talk we will discuss how to collect and how long to store user data to be respectful to the users and comply with applicable rules. We will present some best practices, tips, and tools that we use at Google on a daily basis.

Talk 2: Building Privacy for the User
by André Lago

Building efficient privacy tools is essential in order to meet the user's expectations and provide them with control over their data. Because of this, it's extremely important to design privacy products in a way that fulfills the needs of the users and provides them positive value. In this talk we'll go through the history behind some of Google's main privacy products, describing some of the processes through which we design and develop them.


André Lago
André is a Software Engineer working on some of Google's User-Facing Privacy products. By working on these products over the past year, André became passionate about how to design products that meet user's needs and constantly growing expectations.

Stefan Toman
Stefan is a Software Engineer at Google's Privacy and Data Protection Office in Munich. He works on tools and infrastructure for user consents that are used in most Google products. He deeply cares that users always have a fair choice on how their data is collected or used and that those choices are respected. Before joining Google Stefan had a slide from his office in the university's mathematics department to the cafeteria and he is delighted that Google offers similar facilities in Zurich.

Be cool:
As we have limited space please remember to cancel if you cannot make it so that people on the waiting list can get a chance for a spot!



  • Aiman Saeed

    Manager GDG & WTM Ambassador Munich

    GDG Organizer

  • Laura Schaefer


    Founder & CEO

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