As you are all aware, Kotlin is now officially supported by Google as a first-class language. To get all of us started with the language we're joining forces with the Munich Kotlin user group. Please, RVSP to participate (half to be booked at the GDG and half at the KTUG). If RSVP runs out, please join the waiting list. Only RSVP to one of the meetups, not both! **Meetup Agenda** 19:00 Doors o
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As you are all aware, Kotlin is now officially supported by Google as a first-class language.
To get all of us started with the language we're joining forces with the Munich Kotlin user group.
Please, RVSP to participate (half to be booked at the GDG and half at the KTUG). If RSVP runs out, please join the waiting list. Only RSVP to one of the meetups, not both!
Meetup Agenda
19:00 Doors open, hang out with drinks and pizza
19:30 Enrique Lopez-Manas: Introduction to Kotlin for Android Devs
19:45 Egor Andreevici: Testing with Kotlin
20:15 Dmitry Jemerov: How to learn Kotlin
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