Google I/O Extended Muncie

Google I/O is an annual event hosted by Google to highlight the latest in technology and product innovation. This covers topics such as the IoT, working with material design, advancements in mobile technology, Machine Learning and so much more. Google I/O Extended Muncie will be an evening hangout talking about what things Google released the previous week. We might watch some of the keynote. We

May 17, 2018, 9:30 – 11:30 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Google I/O is an annual event hosted by Google to highlight the latest in technology and product innovation. This covers topics such as the IoT, working with material design, advancements in mobile technology, Machine Learning and so much more.
Google I/O Extended Muncie will be an evening hangout talking about what things Google released the previous week. We might watch some of the keynote. We will talk about all of the new stuff and all of the old stuff. Right now we can promise dinner and a few stories of cutting edge technology.
All skill levels and ages are invited to come out and join the festivities.


  • Chris Turvey

    GDG Organizer

  • Chris Savage

    GDG Organizer

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