Google I/O Connect Miami... Pregame

The Guardian Brewing Co., 514 East Jackson Street, Muncie, 47305

GDG Muncie

Google I/O happened last week. Next week is Google I/O Connect Miami... One of us is going... what do you want to know?

May 17, 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 PM

2 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Community BuildingGoogle I/O Extended

About this event

t has been a while since we chatted. I would propose a night of us just hanging out and having a beer. We can do that too... But May 24h, 2023 I will be in Miami Florida at Google I/O Connect. Basically I see it as the technical tracks that we would normally see at Google I/O but in a separate event. I am heading down for a few days and since I will be there I want to bring back information from them directly to you. There are a few Google I/O 23 keynote videos... some are condensed to 5 or 10 minutes... Let's have a meeting this Wednesday and talk about it. Then sometime early next month we will meet again and have an official Google I/O Extended Muncie! I will give a bit more lead time before that meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to have a relaxed discussion, but hopefully it will give us a starting point for planning our summer programming for GDG Muncie.



Wednesday, May 17, 2023
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM UTC


  • Chris Turvey

    GDG Organizer

  • Chris Savage

    GDG Organizer

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