Welcome DAY

GDG M'sila

The welcome day is the first event organized by GDG M’sila club at the beginning of each season. During this event, members of the club will come together to give their audience all the information about the group, its reason of being, goals and future prospects. It is an event that pitches the entire journey of GDG M’sila, but also answers the flagship question: why should you join the GDG M’sila

Oct 31, 2017, 8:30 – 11:30 AM (UTC)

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About this event

The welcome day is the first event organized by GDG M’sila club at the beginning of each season. During this event, members of the club will come together to give their audience all the information about the group, its reason of being, goals and future prospects. It is an event that pitches the entire journey of GDG M’sila, but also answers the flagship question: why should you join the GDG M’sila family ?

ويلكوم داي ھو الحدث التكنولوجي الأول الذي یقوم بتنظیمه مجموعة مطوري جوجل المسیلة في بدایة کل موسم. خلال هذا الحدث، سوف يجتمع أعضاء النادي لإعطائكم كل المعلومات عن المجموعة، والأهداف والآفاق المستقبلية. وتعريفكم بتكنولوجيا جوجل وأهم المنتجات التي تفيدكم في حياتكم كمطورين أو كمستخدمين عاديين، وأيضا نفتح فيه باب التسجيل للإنضمام للفريق ومنح الفرص للمواهب لكي يكونوا جزءًا من قصتنا :) 


  • Mohamed EL Ghazali Sediki


    GDG Organizer

  • Abdelhakim Ilyes Kireche


    GDG Organizer

  • Chergui Abde Nnour

    Wahaj for media, culture and arts


  • Manel Hassina Ghetai

    GDG Organizer

  • amine abdellaoui


    GDG Organizer

  • Mounya Bouarbi

    GDG M'sila / computer science club university Mohmmed Boudiaf

    GDG Organizer

  • Imad eddine Reguig berra

    GDG M'sila

    GDG Organizer

  • Mohammed BRIKI

    Digital Marketing Specialist

  • cheyma messili

    GDG Organizer

  • Marwa Menedjhi


  • Noussaiba DILMI


  • Okba Madani

    GDG Msila


  • Djaafar abdellah Arbane


  • Bakache Habiba

    Team Member

  • khalil dahoumane

    Team Member

  • Anfal-Eldjabiria Benzahia

    Team Member

  • Khalil korichi

    Team Member

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