Tensor Flow / Machine Learning Workshop @ Google Montreal https://camo.githubusercontent.com/ee91ac3c9f5ad840ebf70b54284498fe0e6ddb92/68747470733a2f2f7777772e74656e736f72666c6f772e6f72672f696d616765732f74665f6c6f676f5f7472616e73702e706e67 **NOTE: Make certain to reserve a ticket via Eventbrite, as places at the Google office are limited, and we expect this event to be very popular.** Hello ever
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Tensor Flow / Machine Learning Workshop @ Google Montreal
NOTE: Make certain to reserve a ticket via Eventbrite, as places at the Google office are limited, and we expect this event to be very popular.
Hello everyone! Awesome news, our good friends at Google will be hosting a Machine Learning Workshop for beginners, at their Montreal offices. If you've ever wondered how to take advantage of this technology in your professional or personal projects, don't miss this chance to learn more!
These workshops will be of course of value to mobile developers, but also to people of all computer science fields interested in this subject. Hope to see you there!
NOTE: Make certain to reserve a ticket via Eventbrite, as places at the Google office are limited, and we expect this event to be very popular.
Thursday, July 21, 2016 @ 5:30 PM
Google Montreal
1253 McGill College
Bureau 150
Montréal, QC
Introduction to TensorFlow
by Josh Gordon
Join us for an informal intro to TensorFlow. In this instructor-led tutorial, attendees will gain hands-on experience with training a machine learning system using TensorFlow, a popular open source library. This tutorial is geared toward folks who are new to TensorFlow. No prior ML experience needed.
Josh Gordon works as a Developer Advocate on the TensorFlow team. He's passionate about teaching and computer science education. Outside of work, he likes to run, bike, and explore the great outdoors.
Puppy or muffin? Easily leverage machine learning in your apps
by Sara Robinson and Bret McGowen
Want to take advantage of machine learning without building and training your own models? The Google Cloud Vision and Speech APIs expose the machine learning functionality behind Google Photos, Google Images, and the speech recognition in “Ok, Google.” Developers can now build these features into their apps with a simple REST API call. We’ll provide an overview of these APIs, dive into code, and risk it all with a live demo.
Sara is a Developer Advocate on Google's Cloud Platform team, where she helps with developer relations through online content, outreach and events. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business and International Studies from Brandeis University. When she's not programming, she can be found running, listening to country music, or finding the best ice cream in SF.
Bret McGowen is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Prior to Google, he came from Rackspace as a software engineer building the RackConnect cloud-to-dedicated-hosting product and contributed to OpenStack-related projects.
TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.
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