Android Hands-on Session 1

Rue Victor Hugo, Rue Victor Hugo, Site archéologique de Carthage, 39051

GDG Monastir

This hands-on session is designed for those taking their first steps in the Android universe. Our instructor is guiding participants through the fundamentals, unraveling the mysteries of Android architecture, UI design, and basic app development.

Dec 8, 2023, 7:30 – 11:00 AM


Key Themes

AndroidDesignGoogle PlayMobileWomen Techmakers

About this event

Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Android development with our hands-on session tailored for beginners! 🚀📱

🔍 Exploration Begins:

As we dive into the basics, participants will navigate the Android Studio, the powerhouse for Android app development. From installation to project setup, every step is designed for hands-on exploration.

💻 Coding Adventure:

Fear not the coding landscape! Guided by our expert facilitators, beginners will embark on a coding adventure to create their first Android app. Java/Kotlin basics, UI design, and the magic of 'Hello World' are just a few keystrokes away.

🎨 Designing the Future:

Aesthetics matter! Discover the art of UI/UX design as we delve into XML layouts and create visually appealing interfaces. Attendees will learn to shape their app's look and feel, turning ideas into tangible designs.

By the end of this hands-on session, beginners will not only have a tangible app to showcase but will also have gained essential skills to kickstart their Android development journey.



Friday, December 8, 2023
7:30 AM – 11:00 AM UTC


  • Anas Charfi

    GDG Organizer

  • Ahlem Bedoui

    Mentor Institute of Tunisia

    Android Freelancer

  • Medini Amani

    Capgemini Engineering


  • Nour Belguith


    Technical Support Engineer

  • Med Dhia Elabed

    Techmind solutions

    Flutter developer

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