Women Techmakers Minna Meet & Greet

GDG Minna

Google's Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology. The WTM Minna Meet & Greet is an avenue for the members of the community to know themselves better, learn from one another and understand our individual tech needs in order to plan activities around these moving forward. Expectations: \- Meet with other women from the community. \- Share

Dec 21, 2019, 9:00 – 10:00 AM

6 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Google's Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.
The WTM Minna Meet & Greet is an avenue for the members of the community to know themselves better, learn from one another and understand our individual tech needs in order to plan activities around these moving forward.

- Meet with other women from the community.

- Share our stories: How did we get here? Our challenges, victories and the journey so far?

- Share our tech interests and find people with similar interests.

- What do we want to learn in 2020? [Android, Web, Data, Design]

Customized programs will be developed for the WTM Minna Community in 2020 as a result of this activity.


  • Umar Saidu

    GDG Minna

    Lead Organizer

  • Sunday Malgwi

    GDG Minna


  • Musa Amina Giwa

    WTM Minna Ambassador I

  • Catherine Maigida Baha

    Women Techmakers

    WTM Minna Ambassador lI

  • Bashir Aliyu

    GDG Minna


  • Taoheed Abdulraheem

    GDG Minna


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