DevFest Minia 2021

GDG Minia

DevFest Minia is a community-led developer-focused event organized by a band of Google Developer Groups from Minia. We are focused on community building and learning about Google and open-source technologies.DevFest events are uniquely curated by their local GDG organizers to fit the needs and interests of the local community.

Dec 12, 2021, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM (UTC)

77 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentDevFestFlutter

About this event

This year, DevFest 2021 inspires local developers to learn and connect as a community by exploring how to use Google technology and trendy other technologies to accelerate economic impact. In light of COVID-19, the global economy has shrunk and millions of jobs have been lost. Developers are the backbone of technology, and they play a pivotal role in the recovery of the global economy. In fact, expanding the impact of developers has never been more important!

Luckily, DevFest is the perfect opportunity for Google Developer Groups to show up for developers and their communities during such a challenging time. At DevFest 2021, GDGers and attendees will have the opportunity to explore how to use technology for good where it’s needed most.

Google Developers is proud to support the community-led efforts of Google Developer Groups during this flagship annual event. DevFest is powered by a global network of passionate GDG community organizers who volunteer their time and efforts to help developers grow together, and this event wouldn’t be possible without them.

“Just an opportunity to learn about tech, can be used wisely to change your life dramatically.”

DevFest is here. Join us on Sunday, December 12, starting at 10 am.

Here is what we’ll discuss:

- Soft Skills & Freelancing.
- Flutter.
- Cyber Security.
- Road to software Engineering.

GDG Minia gives you the chance to kick-start your career in the Software Development fields. 

We’re waiting for you… 


  • Ahmed Ali


    Software Engineer

  • Ali Shahin

    Software Team Leader

  • Abdullah Mansour

    IT Entrepreneur

  • Ahmed Abdalazeem

    IP Protocol INC.‎‏

    ‎Chief Hacking Officer‎

  • Nawal Zaki

    ITI Minia Branch



  • Hazem Sayed


    GDG Organizer

  • Asmaa Gamal

    GDG Organizer

  • Ehdaa Abdullah


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