Melbourne Android January - Transitions, Constraint layout and more!

GDG Melbourne

Welcome to Melbourne Androids, January Meetup. This month we have talks on Transitions without Activities or Fragments. A talk for beginners on Constraint Layout and more! We are starting off the new year, with a new location! This will be our first meeting at our new host - WeWork. We are also going to be doing Dry January - so there will be juice and soft drinks, but no alcohol. Lightning Ta

Jan 24, 2018, 7:00 – 10:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

Welcome to Melbourne Androids, January Meetup.
This month we have talks on Transitions without Activities or Fragments. A talk for beginners on Constraint Layout and more!

We are starting off the new year, with a new location! This will be our first meeting at our new host - WeWork. We are also going to be doing Dry January - so there will be juice and soft drinks, but no alcohol.

Lightning Talks:

Mark Hollands - Beginning Constraint Layout
Zubin Pratap - Firebase at Whooshka

Main talk:
Chris Horner - Transitions without Activities or Fragments

Android's Transition framework is extremely powerful, but almost all examples involve the use of Activities and Fragments. In a world where many developers are now foregoing Fragments, this talk aims to provide some solid examples and strategies on how to use Transitions without them.

Chris has given this presentation at droidcon SF - we are very lucky to have him presenting locally!

Doors open for drinks at 6pm, and talks will kickoff at 6:30pm. There'll also be pizza, and when the talks finish up (around 7:30pm) there'll be more time for drinks and networking. We look forward to seeing you then!

All attendees agree to follow Google Event Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy -


  • Katie Barnett


    GDE Android / GDG Organiser

  • Suesi Tran


    Senior Flutter Developer

  • Maksim Lin


    Software Engineer

  • Poornima Sivakumar

    GDG Organiser

  • Lovee Jain


    GDG Organiser

  • Zach Jensz

    GDG Organiser

  • Ujjawal Raj

    GDG Organiser

  • Bramley Turner-Jones

    GDG Organiser

  • Yuba Raj (UV) Panta


    GDG Cloud Organiser

  • Kartik Arora


    Android Engineer

  • Carolyn Ai Chi Wong

    Mantel Group

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