GDG Melbourne - IWD2023

Google Melbourne Office, 161 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Melbourne, 3000

GDG Melbourne

GDG Melbourne - IWD2023

Mar 30, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

International Women's DayWomen Techmakers

About this event

Please RSVP in Meetup link:

Women Techmakers Melbourne is proud to present to you International Women's Day 2023. This event is in partnership with GDG Melbourne, WTM and Flutter Melbourne.

This year with our theme #WTMDareToBe, we celebrate the courage courage to try something new; to defy or challenge norms; to be brave and willing take risks. Together, we continue to be hopeful about the future and believe that together our community can continue to make progress and create positive change throughout the world.

This event is an in-person as below detail

In-person event: Google Melbourne office, 161 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

For in-person attendants, please follow venue staff directions and comply with the current government policy for attendance to an indoor event.

• Agenda •

06:00 - Door open, food and networking

06:10 - Intro

06:20 - The Power of a Community to Women In Tech Empowerment: Connect & Conquer (Jacqueline Ann Lim & Nayli Rozali)

06:50 - break, networking and lucky draw

07:00 - Women in Data Science: Challenges & Opportunities (Thien Anh)

07:20 - How Flutter helped me to solve one of the biggest problems of music festivals (Paulina Szklarska)

08:00 - networking and wrap up

[All timings as per GMT+11]


If you have any questions, please use the email above or reach out to a GDG Melbourne Organiser on slack. If you cannot attend for the any reasons, don't worry, we will be recording talks and will upload them to our Youtube channel. This event is for all genders.

If you need any accessibility support, please reach out to a GDG Melbourne Organiser on Slack to arrange support before the event.



Thursday, March 30, 2023
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC)


  • Paulina Szklarska

    Code Heroes

    Flutter Google Developer Expert, Android & Flutter Developer

  • Thien Anh Nguyen Bui


    Data Analytics Lead

  • Jacqueline Ann Lim

  • Nayli Rozali


  • Katie Barnett


    GDE Android / GDG Organiser

  • Suesi Tran


    Senior Flutter Developer

  • Maksim Lin


    Software Engineer

  • Poornima Sivakumar

    GDG Organiser

  • Lovee Jain


    GDG Organiser

  • Zach Jensz

    GDG Organiser

  • Ujjawal Raj

    GDG Organiser

  • Bramley Turner-Jones

    GDG Organiser

  • Yuba Raj (UV) Panta


    GDG Cloud Organiser

  • Kartik Arora


    Android Engineer

  • Carolyn Ai Chi Wong

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