Welcome to Melbourne Android's August Meetup. This months GDG Meetup will be our second at Google’s NEW Melbourne office. Please try to arrive just before 6pm if possible, as lifts require security passes after that time. Topics for the night will be: \- Clean+Layered Architectures (Andras Bubics) \- Kotlin Co-routines vs Rx (Patrick Yin) \- App Marketing with Google (Lovee Jain) Schedule
Welcome to Melbourne Android's August Meetup. This months GDG Meetup will be our second at Google’s NEW Melbourne office. Please try to arrive just before 6pm if possible, as lifts require security passes after that time.
Topics for the night will be:
- Clean+Layered Architectures (Andras Bubics)
- Kotlin Co-routines vs Rx (Patrick Yin)
- App Marketing with Google (Lovee Jain)
Doors open for drinks just before 6pm as lifts require security passes after that time and talks will kickoff at 6:30pm. There'll also be pizza and when the talks finish up there'll be more time for drinks and networking.
Code of Conduct
All attendees are asked to act in accordance with our Code of Conduct ( https://goo.gl/SBGSou )
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