DevFest is an annual Google tech conference hosted by GDGs all over the world. Our club will share with the community the newest technologies and skills with experienced people Join Us, to learn, discover and have fun
5 RSVP'd
DevFest like previous years , we invite experienced people to speak about several technology topics with a time for debate and questions with our speakers , so don't miss the chance to be among us on 20 November
Best Regards
GDG Medea
GDG Organizer
GDG medea
GDG organizer
GDG Medea
GDG Organizer
GDG Organizer
GDG Organizer
GDG Organizer
GDG Organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
GDG Medea
GDG Organizer
GDG organizer
GDG organizer
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