Stay at home and learn cloud computing 😍 The world is experiencing a wide spread of a global epidemic "may Allah protect us all", hence we are required to stay at home, so why don't we invest in this time ? That's why GDG Medea is going to organize some online courses in the Google Cloud Computing field. The courses will be delivered by Nabil Hadj Ahmed; a Google Cloud Authorized trainer; for a
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Stay at home and learn cloud computing 😍
The world is experiencing a wide spread of a global epidemic "may Allah protect us all", hence we are required to stay at home, so why don't we invest in this time ?
That's why GDG Medea is going to organize some online courses in the Google Cloud Computing field. The courses will be delivered by Nabil Hadj Ahmed; a Google Cloud Authorized trainer; for a month or more , starting from 7 April
Time program will be :
- Starting from the 7 april
- Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 20:00
- Using Hangouts meet
It is going to be super informative and beneficial as it's going to cover a lot of aspects, so it's a great opportunity for you to learn cloud computing that basically represents the future of computer science.
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Great chance huh! 😃
Make sure not to miss it!
Stay tuned!
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