International Women's Day Northeast 2022

GDG Manchester NH

International Women’s Day (IWD) occurs on March 8th every year. It marks a moment to celebrate and provide visibility for the incredible contributions of women around the world and is a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Apr 8, 2022, 4:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

1 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudInclusionInternational Women's DayMachine LearningNetworkingWomen Techmakers

About this event

Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022!

International Women’s Day (IWD) occurs on March 8th every year. It marks a moment to celebrate and provide visibility for the incredible contributions of women around the world and is a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

IWD is Women Techmakers annual event campaign where our community hosts events in March and April. We create connections, educate and inspire, and recognize that we still have a ways to go to close the gender gap.

Theme: #ProgressNotPerfection

This year our theme celebrates all kinds of progress - big or small - and the strength we demonstrate when we don’t let fear hold us back from following our dreams.

Agenda Overview: Friday, April 8, 2021, 12 pm EDT:

12:00 pm - 12:15pm Connect & Network

12:15 pm - 12:55 pm Keynote: "Ask Us Anything on Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Blockchain, Web 3.0"

America and Penelope Lopez, CyberCode Twins 👾 👾 Founders, Social Entrepreneurs, IoT Developers, TEDx Speakers

Meet the Cybercode Twins - America and Penelope M. Lopez and learn how they use blockchain technology to further social justice and humanitarian issues.

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Hands-on Workshop: "Create and Sell Your Own #ProgressNotPerfection NFT"

Learn how to mint your own NFT for free, share it, sell it or buy it yourself during this live workshop, led with the #RealRaise Future Founders.

100% of all proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross to provide vital aid to people in Ukraine!

Alexis Snelling, CEO WeTransact + NFT Future Founder Trading Cards

Michelle Zaffino, CEO MyLibrarian, SheTransacts Circle Leader + NFT Future Founder Trading Cards

Abby Sugar, CEO PlayOut Apparel + NFT Future Founder Trading Cards

Deka Dike, CEO Omatochi + NFT Future Founder Trading Cards

Live: participate in our hands-on workshop, mint you own NFT for free, share it, sell it or buy it yourself. 100% of all proceeds from the NFT event will be donated to the Red Cross to provide vital aid to people in Ukraine!

2:20 pm - 3:00 pm Tech Talk: "Why Google Cloud"

Claritza Abreu, Technology Solution Architect at Google

Learn what makes Google Cloud different from other cloud providers. Technology evangelist Claritza Abreu will discuss how to lead your digital transformation to successful outcomes. Bring all your questions!

3:05 pm - 3:45 pm Fireside Chat: "Solidifying Your Career in a Diverse Workplace"

Diana Agu, Chief Listener and CEO, Curain HealthCare Services, Advocate, Change-maker and Healthcare Champion

Mia Yinka Modile - HR Manager North America at ValueMomentum

3:50 pm - 4:30 pm Open Mic - Community Discussion with Our Youth attendees

Join "Girls Who Code" and Poojita Garg in a informal discussion.

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Networking, Closing Comments & Prizes

Join our raffle for a chance to win prizes! Tweet what you loved about IWD Northeast by using the hashtag #IWDNorteast to enter the raffle!


ROI Training

ROI Training offers 5 On Demand Vouchers for Google Cloud Certification training: Associate/Professional Cloud Engineer ($500 value each) for our raffle.


O’Reilly offers 10 ebooks/books for our raffle.

This event is brought to you in collaboration with the following GDG chapters:

  • GDG Capital Region
  • GDG Lawrence
  • GDG Bronx
  • GDG Boston Android
  • GDG Hudson Valley
  • GDG Manchester NH


  • John Hornijas

    Dibolix Technologies LLC

    GDG Organizer

  • Linda Forlizzi

    GDG Organizer

  • Doug Parsons

    Sunrise Labs

    GDG Organizer

  • Sarfraz Ahmad

    Insulet Corporation

    GDG Organizer

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