Android is having it's 10th anniversary soon. Besides becaming the world’s largest mobile operating system, it even changed things for developers since its launch. We'll have Google Developers Expert, Danny Preussler from Germany, with us to update us about this. Nowadays we have great UIs and strict design guidelines, we have official tips how to architecture an android app and modern component
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Android is having it's 10th anniversary soon. Besides becaming the world’s largest mobile operating system, it even changed things for developers since its launch.
We'll have Google Developers Expert, Danny Preussler from Germany, with us to update us about this.
Nowadays we have great UIs and strict design guidelines, we have official tips how to architecture an android app and modern components to do so.
The way we program Android changed a lot: from functional aspects up to how we use databases. With Kotlin we even have new language that is modern and offers many new possibilities.
Let's start an app from scratch in 2018!
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