DevFest 2023

Faculty of ICT [Auditorium, -1, B, 9] & I.T. Services Building [VC101], University Ring Road, Msida, MSD 2080

GDG Malta

It's time for Google Developer's largest tech conference in Malta! Are you ready to learn about the latest developments in Google technology?

Dec 6, 2023, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM

37 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIAccessibilityAndroidCloudCommunity BuildingDataDevFestMachine LearningMobileNetworkingWeb

About this event

Welcome to DevFest on Campus! 🎉 #DevFest23

DevFest hosts a vibrant community of developers from different countries to help you network, learn, and grow!

Explore developer tools from Google and connect with different developers at the University of Malta.

Get ready for a full day of interesting talks, networking, food and drinks.

Come and join us for a packed agenda for the following topics:

• AI

• Android


• Cloud

• Kotlin

• Google Developer Communities

• Web

and more!

Tickets are free!, so what are you waiting for?


Welcome to DevFest on Campus
Introduction to Kotlin
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Google
Beyond the web of today
Entity extraction from medical reports in German with LLM on GCP
Code AOSP: No time to EOL (die)
A practical introduction to Kubernetes
Scheduling work on the main thread to improve INP
Creating a General Intelligence using AI


  • Danny Preussler


    Android Platform Lead

  • Katya Vinnichenko


    Program Manager

  • Kenneth Christiansen

    Intel Corporation

    Architect and Principal Engineer

  • Yingding Wang

    Machine Learning Engineer

  • James Gatt

    Paradox Cat GmbH

    Android Platform Engineer

  • Simon Agius Muscat


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Kevin Farrugia

    Front-end Engineer

  • Joseph Trapani


    Marketing Analyst


University of Malta logo

University of Malta

Google Developer Student Clubs - University of Malta logo

Google Developer Student Clubs - University of Malta

IEEE Malta Section logo

IEEE Malta Section

IEEE Computer Society logo

IEEE Computer Society

eSkills Malta Foundation logo

eSkills Malta Foundation


  • Dylan Seychell

    GDG Organizer

  • James Gatt

    Paradox Cat GmbH

    GDSC Rep

  • Simon Agius Muscat

    Team Member

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