Let´s meet to celebrate the international women's day (IWD) with the company of top speakers and a wide variety of interesting talks and workshops. We want you to participate and enjoy this event with us. UPDATE: We have released the event tickets on Eventbrite. You can get them at https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-international-womens-day-by-women-techmakers-2020-97161543793 (beware that we
39 RSVP'd
Let´s meet to celebrate the international women's day (IWD) with the company of top speakers and a wide variety of interesting talks and workshops. We want you to participate and enjoy this event with us.
UPDATE: We have released the event tickets on Eventbrite. You can get them at https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-international-womens-day-by-women-techmakers-2020-97161543793
(beware that we have specific tickets for both workshops - don't forget to get one if you want to attendee some of them!)
The final agenda is:
9:30h-10:00h Welcome and coffee break
10:15h -11:00h “Software Development as an engineering practice” by Kateryna Bulyshkina (Talk in EN)
11:05h-11:45h “Design and development matched and had an appointment” by Marta Reigal (Talk in ES)
11:45h-12:00h Break
12:00h-13:00h “Introduction to Web Scraping with NodeJS” by Lucia Blanco (Workshop in ES)
13:00h-14:00h Lunch
14:00h-14:30h “Best practices in Tech Talent Acquisition from the perspective of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging” by Katy Peichert (Talk in EN)
14:35h-14:55h “From the conception of an idea to its implementation in research: how to solve a real problem" by Maria Jesus Godoy (Talk in ES)
15:00h-16:00h “Building apps in the Cloud” by Marta Gomez and Paloma de las Cuevas (Workshop in ES).
16:00h-16:50h KEYNOTE: "Build your own agent with TensorFlow for StarCraft II" by Gema Parreño (Talk in ES).
(Short version here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_-9bW1eBlRGHi3rD2CaMEgjVKg7_NKd6/view?usp=drivesdk)
Save your spot. Looking forward to seeing you!
We would like to thank our sponsors: Google, Karumi, EPAM, The Workshop and Piksel. It is also worth to mention the support by Stickermule and DigitalOvercoming.
This event is organized by the WTM communities in Malaga and Cordoba. Besides we have the collaboration of YesWeTech. Thus it is also a good opportunity to know more about them.
#Diversity #MachineLearning #SWDevelopment #Design
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GDG on Campus (Estudiantes)
GDG on Campus (Estudiantes)
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