! (Description in English is below the Spanish version) Presentación creada por **Mario Padilla **y **Karol Depka Pradzinski**. Se trata de una introducción amena sobre **Angular 2+** y temas relacionados. Presentaremos brevemente todos los temas que abarcan Angular 2+, y dejaremos un extenso margen de tiempo para cuestiones y posibles debates con la intención de hacer la presentación lo más i
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(Description in English is below the Spanish version)
Presentación creada por Mario Padilla y Karol Depka Pradzinski.
Se trata de una introducción amena sobre Angular 2+ y temas relacionados.
Presentaremos brevemente todos los temas que abarcan Angular 2+, y dejaremos un extenso margen de tiempo para cuestiones y posibles debates con la intención de hacer la presentación lo más interactiva posible.
La presentación será en inglés pero se podrán hacer preguntas y argumentaciones en español.
Siéntete libre de escribir tus propias preguntas en la sección de comentarios del meetup.
Te animamos a traer tus propios ejemplos, fragmentos de código, apps y posibles problemas para mostrarlos y debatirlos con la comunidad (opcional).
Los temas:
• Angular CLI
• Estructura de directorios de Angular
• Componentes, Cabecera, Pie, Enrutadores
• Formularios
• RxJs y Observadores
• Llamadas asíncronas
• Firebase y llamadas asíncronas
• Angular (SPA) + Firebase -> Aplicaciones sin servidores
• Inyección de Dependencias (ID)
• Detección de Cambios
• Testeo (TestBed, Protractor, Jasmine, Karma)
• Acerca de Ionic 2+
Presentation created by Mario Padilla and Karol Depka Pradzinski.
We will make a very quick introduction to Angular 2+ and related topics.
We will go quickly through the slides with variety of Angular 2+ topics, leaving a lot of time for audience questions and side discussions, to make it as interactive as possible!
Not sure if you should use Angular/TypeScript or not? This meetup event can help you decide :).
The presentation will be in English but it’s okay to ask questions and have discussions in Spanish as well.
The presentation is practically-minded: what does Angular offer us, how can we quickly start building things in Angular and what tools and technologies can we use.
If you are new to Angular (or even Web development), the goal is to show the necessary tools to get productive as soon as possible.
If you are advanced, the goal is to create connections between Developers and open conversations about topics.
We also hope to explicitly facilitate creation of collaboration and mentoring relationships between developers, students, companies and people learning software development. For that, we will dedicate some minutes to explicitly ask who would like to become mentor/mentee/intern.
If you use different technologies (e.g. React, Vue, …), the goal is to have discussions regarding similarities and differences between the various approaches and to create connections based on the common elements (Web, HTML, JS/ES/TS, CSS, npm, yarn, webpack, etc.)
For each of the presented sub-topics, there will be people (in-person and via video-conference) who have experience in them, ready to answer questions and form collaborations.
Feel free to write your questions in the meetup events comments section!
We encourage you to bring your code samples/problems/apps for showing and discussing (not mandatory) !
The topics:
• Angular CLI
• Angular directory structure
• Components, Header, Footer, Router Outlets
• Forms
• RxJs and Observables
• Async pipe
• Combining async pipe with Firebase, ngFor
• Angular (SPA) + Firebase -> serverless app
• Dependency Injection (DI)
• Change detection
• Test automation (TestBed, Protractor, Jasmine, Karma)
• About Ionic 2+
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