Doors open at 5:30, presentation will start at 6pm. Food will be provided. Talk details: Developer teams have long dreamed of a single codebase to rule them all. With Flutter we finally we have a solution that delivers. Flutter allows you to build beautiful, native applications for mobile, web, and desktop without sacrificing user experience. Learn how Flutter for Web works and why you should us
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Doors open at 5:30, presentation will start at 6pm. Food will be provided.
Talk details:
Developer teams have long dreamed of a single codebase to rule them all. With Flutter we finally we have a solution that delivers. Flutter allows you to build beautiful, native applications for mobile, web, and desktop without sacrificing user experience. Learn how Flutter for Web works and why you should use it for your next app.
Presenter info:
An experienced developer, start-up founder, and international speaker, Abraham brings a broad range of skills to his current role as a senior developer at Bendyworks. A top 1% contributor at Stack Overflow and an active member of Google Developer Groups, Abraham has been recognized by Google as a Developer Expert for his ability to identify technology problems and provide quality solutions in the community.
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