Agenda: \- 10:30AM - 11:00AM, Registration \- 11:00AM - 11:50AM, "Building a Modular SDK" by Tejas Sakpal. Haptik’s journey has been ride, in terms of both business as well as it’s mobile technology. Initially Haptik started out with a goal of being a 24x7 Chat-based Personal Assistant to set reminders, book flights, pay your bills and get entertained! Now it is a B2B company providing service
- 10:30AM - 11:00AM, Registration
- 11:00AM - 11:50AM, "Building a Modular SDK" by Tejas Sakpal.
Haptik’s journey has been ride, in terms of both business as well as it’s mobile technology. Initially Haptik started out with a goal of being a 24x7 Chat-based Personal Assistant to set reminders, book flights, pay your bills and get entertained! Now it is a B2B company providing services to various enterprises for Customer Service and Feedback, Lead Generation and User Engagement. In this talk, we’ll learn about how the SDK was built, broken into multiple modules, challenges faced and how were they resolved and key aspects to keep in mind while developing SDK’s.
- 11:50AM - 12:40PM, "Product Analytics 101" by Deesha Vora.
- 12:40PM - 1:20PM, Break
- 1:20PM - 1:40PM, "Visualising Protocols" by Viranchee Lotia.
We have a good idea of how the inheritance / object oriented programming works and we can visualise the child / parent relationships. Now, Kotlin and Swift are promoting many paradigms and the door gets opened to many design patterns.
Viranchee wants to try to help a developer visualise how protocols ( interfaces ) can be visualised.
- 1:40PM - 2:30PM, "PetLens - Making a visual pet search application using Flutter" by Javad Shaikh.
We will go through the concept of visual search, our current model architecture, and other possible solutions.
Then we'll go through the basics of flutter, most probably do some live coding (a simple layout)
Then we'll look at how to use ML models on android when using flutter and how we did it. (concepts and demo)
The event is being held at Innov8, MIDC, from 10:30AM to 2:30PM, with the exact venue and map link below. See you there!
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