DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether it be through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by simply meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to
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DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether it be through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by simply meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to build together and innovate on Google's developer tools.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (UTC)
8:00 AM | For a united and developed community |
Banco BAI
Software & Integration Developer
Banco Millennium Atlantico
Software engineer
Engenheiro Informático e Professor
Software Developer
Consultor de TICs
GPU Modelling Engineer
Software Engineer
Gestora de Projecto
Gestor de Projectos
Gestor de Projetos
Unitel Money
Oficial de relações externas
Business Analytics & Customer Retention
Engenheiro de Software
Banco Millennium Atlantico
Software engineer
Engenheiro de implementação de produtos
Técnica de cibersegurança
Desenvolvedora Frontend
Lider das CDA Girls
Desenvolvedora web junior
Gestora de Redes Sociais.
GDG Organizer, WTM Ambassador
Engenheiro Informático
GDG Organizer, WTM Ambassador
Jupiter System & Solutions
Software Developer
Software Developer
Desenvolvedor de sistemas e UX/UI designer
Gestora de Projecto
Gestora de Redes Sociais.
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