June Android Meetup

GDG Los Angeles

Come join GDG Los Angeles for our June Android Meetup. Once again we'll be meeting at Victorious's offices in Santa Monica. Parking is available in the Santa Monica City Lots on 2nd street. You can also take the new Metro Expo line. This month we'll be learning more about Firebase. Member lightning talks are welcome as long as you let me know in advance. **Presenters** **The Building of Andro

Jun 24, 2016, 1:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Come join GDG Los Angeles for our June Android Meetup.

Once again we'll be meeting at Victorious's offices in Santa Monica.  Parking is available in the Santa Monica City Lots on 2nd street.  You can also take the new Metro Expo line.

This month we'll be learning more about Firebase. Member lightning talks are welcome as long as you let me know in advance. 


The Building of Android App from the Ground Up - Reid Isaki

Listen to professional software developer and longtime GDG Member, Reid Isaki as he walks you through how he built a proof-of-concept new photo Android app.

Android Data Binding - build apps faster by Pratyush Kshirsagar (Android Developer at Victorious)

We will discuss about most widely used binding library called Butter Knife and also the pre package data binding available in Android.  How do they help reduce boiler plate code and minimize developer time.  Go through code to actually use them and finally what care should be taken to select one over the other.


  • Marsha Swallow


    GDG Organizer

  • Matt Kaufman

    MK Partners

    GDG Organizer

  • Emily Anderson

    Blue Shield of California

    Application Developer, Consultant

  • Mariam Hussain

    Women Techmaker

    Women Techmakers Ambassador

  • Jason Jones

    Costco Wholesale

    GDG LA Team Member

  • Siena Aguayo


    Staff Android Engineer

  • Michael Sim

    GDG LA Android

  • Dhwani Vaishnav

    California State University Los Angeles

    Co Organizer

  • Gladwin Louise Cedeno

    WTM / GDG


  • May Wu


  • Bryan Bergo


  • Vidhi Bhatt

    University of Califonia, Los Angeles

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