Schedule : 06:30 : Welcome & Pizzas & Drinks 07:00 - 07:35 : Andrea Bizzotto - InheritedWidget is your friend! 07:35 - 07:40 : Break 07:40 - 08:20 : Swav Kulinski (GDE on Flutter) - Flutter: Talking to the business 08:20 - Networking Talk #1 : InheritedWidget is your friend! On this talk we explore three different ways of getting access to dependencies in Flutter, and their tradeoffs.
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Schedule :
06:30 : Welcome & Pizzas & Drinks
07:00 - 07:35 : Andrea Bizzotto - InheritedWidget is your friend!
07:35 - 07:40 : Break
07:40 - 08:20 : Swav Kulinski (GDE on Flutter) - Flutter: Talking to the business
08:20 - Networking
Talk #1 : InheritedWidget is your friend!
On this talk we explore three different ways of getting access to dependencies in Flutter, and their tradeoffs.
First, we’ll take a look at global state as an easy way of getting the things we need. Then, we’ll talk about constructor dependency injection, what problems it solves, but also which new ones it introduces.
Finally, we will learn how to make use of InheritedWidget and how it can help as you scale up your apps. I’ll show a simple app as a example of how these techniques work in practice.
Speaker : Andrea Bizzotto
Talk #2 : Flutter: Talking to the business
GIVEN I am a Flutter Developer
AND there are plenty of mobile frameworks
WHEN talking to the business about a new project
THEN I have convinced them to use Flutter
Speaker : Swav Kulinski - GDE on Flutter
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