Love or want to find out more about Firebase? Then join us for Firebase Live! Extended. RSVP here >> The event will be broadcasted via YouTube Live here >> There are 2 tracks >> Track 1 - \- Data modelling with Cloud Firestore
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Love or want to find out more about Firebase? Then join us for Firebase Live! Extended.
RSVP here >>
The event will be broadcasted via YouTube Live here >>
There are 2 tracks >>
Track 1 -
- Data modelling with Cloud Firestore
- Building SwiftUI apps with Firebase
Track 2 -
- Developing locally with the Firebase Emulator UI
- Firebase CI/CD with Cloud Build
Join us from the comfort of your homes, to listen to interesting talks from speakers from the Firebase Team, Firebase Google Developer Experts. After the talks there will be a Fireside chat with members of the Firebase Team led by Frank van Puffelen.
Here are some of the talks in store -
TITLE: Building SwiftUI apps with Firebase, by Peter Friese, FIrebase Team
Abstract: Using SwiftUIs declarative syntax, building user interfaces for any of Apple's platforms is fast and exceptionally simple.
Firebase makes developing the backend for your app a lot easier by providing BaaS features such as a NoSQL database, a flexible authentication solution, as well as a serverless environment to extend your app with custom backend code.
Both SwiftUI and Firebase make developing apps a lot easier, but how do you bring both together?
In this talk, Peter will going to build a simple, data-driven SwiftUI application that uses Cloud Firestore to store data.
You will learn:
🔥 how to architect your SwiftUI app so both its local and remote state stay in sync in real time
🔥 how to use Firebase Authentication to give users a great out-of-the-box experience without having to sign in first
🔥 and how to implement Sign in with Apple in less than 5 minutes using FirebaseUI
TITLE: Developing Locally with the Firebase UI Emulator, by PJ
Abstract: Recently the Firebase UI Emulator was released and this had a significant improvement in helping developers work locally. In this talk, I will show how to get the Firebase UI emulators up and running and how this will improve your development process when working with Firebase. We will learn how to connect our mobile app to a local Firestore instance and how to trigger Cloud functions locally.
Speaker Bio: P-J, who is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, is a Google Developer Expert for Firebase and a freelance Mobile Engineer. When he is not writing code, he enjoys some nature and capturing those moments.
TITLE: Data modelling with Cloud Firestore, by Jason Berryman
Abstract: We'll look at how to model data in Cloud Firestore using collections and sub-collections, and we'll explore how collection group queries work, to help you provide a bit of normality to your denormalised data.
Speaker Bio: Jason is a Google Developers Expert for GCP and Firebase. He is the founder of, a consultancy specialising in serverless solutions on GCP.
TITLE: Firebase CI/CD with Google Cloud Build, by Chris Esplin
Abstract: Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are core principles of modern Enterprise architecture. They're also powerful strategies for even the smallest side project The speaker builds automated deploy pipelines for all of their projects, and they do it entirely within the GCP ecosystem. All you need is a Dockerfile and a bit of YAML. You will be shown how the pieces fit together for silky smooth CI/CD.
Speaker Bio: Chris has been a Firebase Expert since 2013. He builds software for startups, enterprise customers and numerous side projects. Chris focuses on front-end web, Node.js and GCP. Check out his online portfolio at
Join us and tweet with the hashtags #GDGDevParty #firebaseliveextended
Thursday, August 20, 2020
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Online event
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