3 RSVP'd
The presentation and workshop about Dronecoria AI Engine with Tensorflow will be attended by a pool of students that are willing to collaborate in
the development od our reforestation project build with Tensorflow.
The talk and workshop will deal about project Dronecoria, wich Google Developers has been partner for years, and the upcoming new abilities we want to incorporate,
both in the IA part with Tensorflow and Gemini, and on the visualization in our Google Earth cluster, the Liquid Galaxy.
Monday, June 10, 2024
8:00 AM – 10:30 AM (UTC)
GDG Spain - GDG Lleida
Liquid Galaxy LAB
GDG Organizer
Origen Studio
Fullstack developer
Lead Organizer
Mobile Lead
Mark Visual
Organitzador i Senior Designer
Liquid Galaxy Project
Senior Mentor
Lead organizer
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