The 11 contributors chosen for Google Summer of Code 2023 at the Liquid Galaxy project will introduce themselves and their project. Flutter, Kotlin, Android, Google Earth, Tensorflow, and many more Google technologies are already being used to code.
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The 11 contributors chosen for Google Summer of Code 2023 at the Liquid Galaxy project will introduce themselves and their project.
Flutter, Kotlin, Android, Google Earth, Tensorflow, and many more Google technologies are already being used to code.
Google Developers Community Visualization Tool
Aditya Kumar
COVID-19 data explorer
Ana Laura
Agro Robot Swarm dashboard for Liquid Galaxy
Artur Culleres
STEAM Celestial Satellite tracker in real time
Krishna Agrawal
HAPIS Refurbishment "Humanitarian Aid Panoramic Interactive System"
Mahinour Elsarky
Rocket Launcher Visualizer / SpaceX Rocket Visualizer
Manash Kumar
The LiquidArt AI Murilo
Nogueira Duarte
Smart City Dashboard for Liquid Galaxy
Prayag X
Satellite Space Collision precision
Rafel Salgueiro
LG Gesture and Voice Control
Sudhanyo Chatterjee
Located Voice CMS
Vedant Singh
Friday, June 9, 2023
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC)
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