26 RSVP'd
Several experts and mentors of the Liquid Galaxy community join the Build with AI campaign to train our developer's community on these technologies.
We'll be overviewing using Gemini and Gemma LLMs, and coding in Flutter with them.
Also, we'll review our AI-based projects for this year and a short overview of what we did in the past.
- Sidharth Mugil: intro to Gemini model
- Vedant Singh, Integration Gemini with Android apps
- Victor Carreras: Build a Flutter app with Gemini
- Andreu Ibanez, GSoCm 2024 AI projects overview
GDG Spain - GDG Lleida
Liquid Galaxy LAB
GDG Organizer
Origen Studio
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Mark Visual
Organitzador i Senior Designer
Liquid Galaxy Project
Senior Mentor
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