Female Founders (Ep 01) ft. Mahrukh Raza

GDG Live Pakistan

Female Founders by GDG Live Pakistan - A series that brings in female founders who can share their empowering entrepreneurial experience. Tune in every Sunday throughout March 2024 @10 PM.

Mar 10, 2024, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

18 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Community BuildingInclusionInternational Women's DayWomen Techmakers

About this event

What's her story?

From being a monitor in every class to becoming the School Head Girl, you can guess the trajectory of a kid and the leadership skills she possesses.

For graduation, she initially wanted to choose Electrical Engineering, but circumstances led her to opt for Computer Science. Once she began, she found contentment and immersed herself in the field. From contributing to international society chapters to interning at the Microsoft Innovation Center, she was making strides, despite her GPA, which, though above 3, was not stellar.

In 2017, she embarked on her career with a starting salary as low as 30K, while her batchmates began with 40-50K. Throughout, she have consistently over-delivered and stretched beyond the confines of her job descriptions. Some warned her that employers might take advantage, but she viewed it as an opportunity to learn and gain additional experience in less time.

Certain events fueled a strong desire to work for startups and observe for learning purposes. Many decisions in her life have begun with a leap of faith and optimism. she firmly believe that when you give your all to something, things tend to work out.

Starting a business is not a shiny thing for her to do; it is something she had to start at some point, she just didn't know when. When she started, people said she chose the wrong timing because investments were halted. Yet, she saw the opportunity in why: when you broadcast something amidst a thousand other things, you might garner less attention, but when you are the only one doing it, people might think you are foolish, yet you'll be in the spotlight. Just keep progressing when others are waiting for the right time.

With her consistent efforts, she secured her first client, which is not just any client but one of the biggest business groups in Pakistan. Along with that, she have established multiple partnerships with international entities, as she planned to go global from day one.

If you believe in something and have the potential to do it, don't stop yourself because of uncertainty and doubts. Allah indeed helps those who help themselves.

Register now and learn more about her startup story and ask questions!!

Note: Female Founders by GDG Live Pakistan brings stories of female entrepreneurs shaping the future of Pakistan. Tune in every Sunday throughout March 2024 @10 PM (GMT+5).


  • Makhrukh Raza




  • Syeda Hafsa

    Marketing & HR Lead

    Hamdard Pakistan


  • Fawad Kamal

    GDG Live Pakistan

    GDG Organizer

  • Ahmad Khan

    GDG Organizer

  • Ghaniya Munawar


    GDG Organizer / WTM Ambassador

  • Azka Ahmad


    GDG Organzier

  • Muhammad Farhan

    Core Team @ GDG Live Pakistan

  • Muhammad Haneef

    GDG Live Pakistan

    Core Team @GDG Live Pakistan

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