Firebase & Progressive Web Apps avec Google

GDG Lille

Evenement surprise, avec 2 Googlers qui viennent nous partager leur passion ! **Google Firebase: Mobile apps development** _**Recently, Firebase just unveiled many significant and exciting new features. Andrés L. Martinez will give you an overview of what's been introduced and how you can use Firebase to build better apps and grow your business. Join us in order to talk about how to be equipped

Jul 6, 2016, 4:45 – 7:45 PM

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About this event

Evenement surprise, avec 2 Googlers qui viennent nous partager leur passion !

Google Firebase: Mobile apps development

Recently, Firebase just unveiled many significant and exciting new features. Andrés L. Martinez will give you an overview of what's been introduced and how you can use Firebase to build better apps and grow your business. Join us in order to talk about how to be equipped with the tools needed to build and grow the next great app


Andres L. Martinez-Ortiz a.k.a Almo is Developer Program Manager in Google's Engineering team. He is focused on driving the success of Google's developer products and the open web by creating a thriving ecosystem of 3rd party applications and businesses built on them. Closely with Product Management, Marketing, PR, Business Development, and other, he works with and supports developer communities, initiating activities that meet the needs of the innovation ecosystem. In addition, he meets with developers and partners in large companies, startups, universities and enterprises, promoting Open standards and Google technologies. He is also member of IEEE, ACM, Linux Foundation and Computer Society.

En seconde partie, nous parlerons de Progressive Web App! 

Don't call me just a website anymore. I am a progressive web app

Au début du XXème siècle, le web s'imposait sur nos ordinateurs face aux applications. Plus besoin d'installer de lourdes solutions depuis nos CD-Roms. Aujourd'hui, le mobile domine nos vies et les applications natives ont refait leur apparition.
Le web n'a pas dit son dernier mot et ne compte pas se laisse faire! Les progressive web apps relèvent le défis afin d'apporter à vos utilisateurs la même expérience sur votre site qu'une application native.


Olivier Leplus is working with Google in the developer relations team. His mission is to help developers creating successful and quality apps by raising awareness of web standards and Google technologies. As a passionate web developer, he is always discovering and playing with new web technologies and PWA is the next one... !

Merci à La Plaine Images pour son accueil

Merci également à Worldline et en particulier sa filière Experts qui sponsorisera le pot !


  • Gerard Paligot


    Staff Engineer

  • William Blu

    GDG Organizer

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