Learn Blockchain Tech with FYRE!

GDG Lenexa

Join us for an informational session to learn more about our goals, mission statement, timeline, and to get access tot he auxiliary educational websites needed to participate and grow your personal skills and development. We will discuss the timeline of our scaled program, how to access materials, and social media support channels, as well as dive into current events motivating our industry.

Mar 1, 10:00 – 10:45 PM

1 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentCommunity BuildingNetworkingWebWomen Techmakers

About this event

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we invite you to a comprehensive informational session, designed to provide deep insights into our organizational goals, mission statement, and the exciting timeline ahead. This session is not just about information; it's an opportunity for you to access auxiliary educational websites that will play a pivotal role in enhancing your personal skills and development.

During this session, we'll walk you through the intricacies of our scaled program, offering a detailed overview of the timeline to give you a clear understanding of the exciting milestones we aim to achieve. Learn how to seamlessly access materials that will empower you on this journey, and discover the wealth of support available through our social media channels.

Furthermore, we will delve into the current events that are shaping and motivating our industry, providing you with a real-time understanding of the landscape you'll be navigating. This isn't just an informational session; it's a doorway to growth, knowledge, and a community that is driven by shared aspirations.

Join us and be part of a dynamic environment where your personal and professional development is at the forefront. Let's explore the possibilities together and pave the way for a brighter future. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and thrive!

Things to Expect:

Getting Access to Educational Website

Logging into classrooms and getting an introduction to the coursework (preview of all 5 courses)

An Upcoming Event Calendar for the scaled webinars

E-book on Blockchain tech Download

Discussing Chapter bylaws and expectations 

Links to social support channels

Video Presentation for upcoming info session

Highlighted Reel of Projects Portfolio and Developer Website



Friday, March 1, 2024
10:00 PM – 10:45 PM UTC



  • Victoria McGowan

    GDG Organizer

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