An Evening with Monzo

Hippo Digital Ltd, 24-26 Aire Street, West Yorkshire, LS1 4HT

GDG Leeds

Join us at Hippo Digital for two talks from Monzo

Oct 22, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

3 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Our October event will be an evening with Monzo, hosted at Hippo Digital. Here we'll have two talks.

What we've learnt building a design system in SwiftUI by Lucy Galik

This is not a talk about SwiftUI or any particular technology. This is a story of our journey. A journey, that is packed with twists and turns; tests, allies, and enums. I will talk about how we navigated this large project, what helped us succeed, what held us back and how our approach kept on evolving as we progressed.

Lucy Galik is a Software Engineer at Monzo working in growth. Previously she worked at Delli and Farmdrop where she built delightful apps focusing on first class user experience. She likes learning new technologies, solving problems and helping others. Outside of work, Lucy enjoys cold water swimming. She is also an avid operagoer.

Breaking Up with DispatchQueue: It’s Not Me, It’s Unsafe by Oliver Atkinson

In this talk, we’ll explore the common pitfalls of using DispatchQueue and why, despite its power, the Swift compiler can’t always save us from mistakes. As Swift moves toward a compiler-first approach, we’ll see how guarantees are provided earlier in development. I’ll give a brief overview of Swift concurrency, highlighting it's complexities and key pitfalls. Finally, I’ll share how we at Monzo are adopting Swift concurrency, module by module, and building the tools to support this transition.

Oliver Atkinson is a Senior Software Engineer at Monzo with over a decade of experience in software development. He has worked at companies like Sky and, building mobile apps with a focus on clean, maintainable code. At Monzo, Oliver has been responsible for the new payment experience and adding support for under-16 bank accounts. He is currently working on Monzo’s multiplayer experience, exploring the possibilities of gifting. Additionally, he is helping drive the company’s adoption of Swift concurrency. Oliver is passionate about solving real-world problems and sharing what he has learned along the way.


6:00pm - Doors Open, Pizza arrives 🍕

6:30pm - Event Starts 🎬

6:40pm - Words from Hippo Digital 💬

6:45pm - What we've learnt building a design system in SwiftUI by Lucy Galik 👩‍💻

7:15pm - Breaking Up with DispatchQueue: It's Not Me, It's Unsafe by Oliver Atkinson 🧑‍💻

7:45pm - Networking and Optional Pub 🤝



Tuesday, October 22, 2024
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Lucy Galik


    Software Engineer

  • Oliver Atkinson


    Senior Software Engineer


  • Luke Stringer

    AND Digital

    Tech Principal


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Hippo Digital


  • Luke Stringer

    AND Digital

    Tech Principal

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