Flutter Engage Extended Lahore

Worknation Space, Plaza no. 05, Block A3 Commercial, Valencia, Lahore, 58810

GDG Lahore

Engage, innovate and collaborate with the local Flutter community in Lahore! This is GDG Lahore's first IRL meetup in over a year!

Mar 12, 2021, 2:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

20 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

++ REGISTRATION: https://bit.ly/FlutterEngageForm


Join us and the Flutter community around the world for this special event! With COVID restrictions eased in Pakistan, this will be GDG Lahore's first IRL meetup in over a year!

Flutter Engage Extended is a spinoff of the international Flutter Engage event tailored for our local community -- allowing us to engage, innovate and collaborate with each other.

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for quickly & easily building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter Engage Extended is organized by @GDG Lahore, an official chapter of @Google Developers Group, supported by @Google –– where we focus on growing and empowering the local developer community in Pakistan by organizing developer conferences, workshops, hackathons and other events.



Friday, March 12, 2021
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC)


  • Haris Nadeem

    GDG Lahore


  • Sheharyar Naseer

    GDG Lahore



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  • Haris Nadeem

    Team Android

    Head of Organized Chaos 🌪️✨

  • Sheharyar Naseer

    Technology Consultant

  • Muaaz Saeed

    GDG Lahore

    Community Organizer

  • Salman Arif

    Chief of Everything (CoE) 🎟️💼

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