International Women’s Day (IWD) is Women Techmakers’ largest annual event campaign where Ambassador host events all around the world during the months of March and April in celebration of this moment. IWD is also a way in which we support our mission of building a world where all women thrive in tech.
172 RSVP'd
*International Women's Day (IWD) is a google led initiative hosted by Google Women Techmakers globally to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women around the world to the tech industry.
*IWD is aimed at bringing women together to celebrate their achievements every year, inspire and motivate more women to key in to Information Technology thereby bridging the gender digital divide.
*The Theme for this year's IWD is "Impact The Future". This is a Call To Action for all women in tech to join forces using our skills and creativity to empower the next generation of women.
Do you want to be a part of this game changing experience? Join us, and Together we Impact The Future!!
Saturday, March 23, 2024
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (UTC)
Registration |
Welcome address |
About Women Tecmakers |
Keynote |
Keynote 2 |
First speaker |
Speaker 2 |
Lunch |
speaker 3 |
Speaker 4 |
speaker 5 |
pictures |
closing |
Google Women Techmakers
Google Women Techmakers
Google Women Techmakers
Google Women Techmakers
Google Developers Group
Co-organizer GDG Lafia, WTM Lead
Lead Organizer - GDG Lafia
Community Mentor
Armzod Creative Media
Design Lead
Medical Lab Science Council of Nigeria
Communications Lead
Community Engagement
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