GDG Kyoto is cooperating ”Kyoso Lab CO-LAB Kyoto" and their event. It's a event of collaboration. Are you interesting in Civic tech? The theme is to help Citizun in Souraku-gun by IoT and data in Kyoto. Wazuka-cho in Kyoto is famous for the production area of Japanese tea. Let's join this event! This details of this event is here. </a><a href="
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GDG Kyoto is cooperating ”Kyoso Lab CO-LAB Kyoto" and their event. It's a event of collaboration. Are you interesting in Civic tech?
The theme is to help Citizun in Souraku-gun by IoT and data in Kyoto. Wazuka-cho in Kyoto is famous for the production area of Japanese tea.
Let's join this event! This details of this event is here.
</a><a href="">
Kyosou lab (CO-LAB) Kyoto is a joint organization promoting the formation of a community of open innovation with the Kyoto prefecture · Kyoto city, enterprises, NPOs, universities, IT community that conducts civic tech activities. Kyouso means that many organizations create together. GDG Kyoto is also join it!
Tesasu Wazuka (
Nearest Station is JR Kamo Station. And you get on Bas (Nara Transportation) from Kamo station, and get off "Yamanoie-mae" bus stop. And It take about 5minues from bus stop.
Participation fee: 500 yen
Event theme
• Cloud work in the region
• Measures against pests such as monkeys, it use drone and temperature data etc.
• Improve productivity and quality by utilizing ICT regionally for agriculture
Decenber 18th 13:00 - 16:00
For each of the above themes, a presentation will be held for each team.
13:00-13:30 Opening remarks, opening-Chairperson of the Jury (Mayor of Wazuka) greetings-Explanation of progress (Arakawa-san)-Explanation of raising a task from Mr.Yamashita, Mr.Maruta and Mr.Yamasaki
13: 30-13: 55 Presentation time (1 team 5 minutes × 4 teams)
13: 55-14: 40 Panel session on each booth.
14: 40-14: 45 Voting time
14: 45-15: 05 Break + Rudgement Time
15: 05-15: 45 Commendation
15: 45-16: 00 Memorial photography and closing event
16:00 Conclusion
Application is here (The deadline for applications is November 15).
日時:11月18日 (土)
場所:テラス 和豆香
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