International Women's Day Celebration! - Krakow (IWD2018)

GDG Kraków

• What we'll do International Women's Day Celebration! - Krakow (IWD2018) 6th of March 2018, 18:00 - 21:00 ul. Lubicz 17G, Krakow Lets celebrate all together this year's International Women's Day with 3 totally different talks. Hoping everyone will find something interesting here. We've prepared great presentations for you as well as a huge variety of attractions and surprises on the occasion

Mar 6, 2018, 4:00 – 8:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

• What we'll do
International Women's Day Celebration! - Krakow (IWD2018) 6th of March 2018, 18:00 - 21:00
ul. Lubicz 17G, Krakow Lets celebrate all together this year's International Women's Day with 3 totally different talks. Hoping everyone will find something interesting here. We've prepared great presentations for you as well as a huge variety of attractions and surprises on the occasion of Women's Day.
You will be able to listen to some news in the frontend world and about what squeaks in the UX areas.
In addition, we have great surprises, contests, relaxation zones and unique networking for you. Links to registration: Agenda:
1. Ada Ryś - What The CSS ?!
Are you sometimes surprised what you can do with a screwdriver? Ada will tell you what the non-obvious can be done using CSS3! 2. Magdalena Lewińska - "How to bite UX - what ingredients and spices are needed when designing UX would be tasty and effective". 3. Piotr Nabielec - How to fight with dispersion and nonsense and return to full attention.

• What to bring

• Important to know
Link to registration:


  • Radoslaw Piekarz

    GDG organizer

  • Mateusz Herych

    GDG Organizer

  • Filip Misztal

    GDG Organizer

  • Piotr Ślesarew


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