Android Tech Talks #21

GDG Kraków

The next Android Tech Talks meetup is here! Two presentations this time: We will start getting some knowledge about Git best practises. Bio: Filip Misztal Android Developer since 2013, working in Schibsted Tech Polska. In love with delivering value to People, testing freak, Kotlin enthusiast, Git fan, that is taking his first steps as a speaker. Sailor & tourist after stepping away from a d

Oct 11, 2018, 5:00 – 7:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

The next Android Tech Talks meetup is here!

Two presentations this time:

We will start getting some knowledge about Git best practises.

Filip Misztal
Android Developer since 2013, working in Schibsted Tech Polska. In love with delivering value to People, testing freak, Kotlin enthusiast, Git fan, that is taking his first steps as a speaker. Sailor & tourist after stepping away from a desk.

Create significant history - every day

During my presentation, I want to share some good practices regarding git usage in a long-lasting project. I will go through some real-life scenarios to show You that with a small effort you and your colleagues can get much more from your project `git log`.

After that we will have a chance to get familiar with AndroidKeystore to keep our secrets!

Tomek Masłoń
Software engineer with 10 years of experience.
Althought, at work happens to write code for bigger machines, his passion has always been pocket size devices.
With strong embedded background currently enjoying implementing more user level interface for Android.
He touched some aspects of data security on smartcards and mobile devices.

Keeping your secrets - What AndroidKeystore can or can’t do for you?

In recent years millions of people have been affected by hackers who had leaked their personal data into the Web.
It's not always a good idea to carefree upload our data into a cloud and trust security that it provides.
We as developers should take a use of features that are supplied by the system that we work on.
I will start with presenting the evolution of data security on Android. We will discuss hardware backed security in old times and what is used currently.
I'd also like to familiarize you with Trusted Execution Environment(TEE) and how the system supports it.
Finally we will take a look at more practical use of what AndroidKeystore API has to offer and what is the alternative.

See you soon Geeks!


  • Radoslaw Piekarz

    GDG organizer

  • Mateusz Herych

    GDG Organizer

  • Filip Misztal

    GDG Organizer

  • Piotr Ślesarew


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