Android Tech Talks #20

GDG Kraków

The next Android Tech Talks meetup is here! Two presentations this time: We will start getting some knowledge about Flutter. Bio: Paulina Szklarska Paulina is Android Developer at Droids On Roids for 4 years. She is actively involved in Android community, co-organizing TOAST, one of the biggest meetups series for Android Developers in Wrocław, engaged into GDG Wrocław & Women Techmakers com

Jun 14, 2018, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)


Key Themes

About this event

The next Android Tech Talks meetup is here!

Two presentations this time:

We will start getting some knowledge about Flutter.

Paulina Szklarska
Paulina is Android Developer at Droids On Roids for 4 years. She is actively involved in Android community, co-organizing TOAST, one of the biggest meetups series for Android Developers in Wrocław, engaged into GDG Wrocław & Women Techmakers community and blogging in her free time. Her passion is traveling around the world.

Flutter - How to make a beautiful app in an hour?

Announced at Google I/O ’17 Flutter is a new open source library for creating cross-platform mobile applications with beautiful UI. Is it something new? Is it needed? Will this be a future? In this presentation I'd like to give an overview of approach in creating mobile applications in Flutter, point advantages of this solution and present example of application. After this talk you'll be able to face a question - is Flutter something for you?

After that we will have a chance to get familiar with WireMock and make our tests great again!

Michał Bogus
I work for the company called FarmaProm. I have been Android Developer for 3 years now. I have participated in almost 15 projects with many different methodologies, aproaches and range of target in terms of users (hundreds to millions daily users). For now I am trying to develop my own library for BDD testing.

Quick REST architecture + WireMock - make testing of REST great again

This talk will be all about clean architecture in terms of "networking" section of your application, I want to show you how we can keep really clean and robust unit tests for nearly every part of your newly created REST models. I will also talk how to deal with custom created errors from REST via Rx and Retrofit. There is also great deal of work in terms of automated tests that uses all of these endpoints, and for that I also want to talk about precious WireMock, how we can approach using this library and how to create tests that all of us can read.

See you soon Geeks!


  • Radoslaw Piekarz

    GDG organizer

  • Mateusz Herych

    GDG Organizer

  • Filip Misztal

    GDG Organizer

  • Piotr Ślesarew


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