First WTM Kharkiv-Center meetup

GDG Kharkiv-Center

We are pleased to invite you to attend our first Women Techmakers event in Kharkiv with our beautiful speakers: 1\. Oksana Savenko: WTM Past, Future and Present As it is our first event, we'll have a short introduce about what is our community, what was the reason of its appearance and what WTM can propose women on local and global levels. About speaker: I am currently an undergraduate studen

Sep 9, 2018, 9:00 – 11:30 AM (UTC)

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About this event

We are pleased to invite you to attend our first Women Techmakers event in Kharkiv with our beautiful speakers:

1. Oksana Savenko: WTM Past, Future and Present
As it is our first event, we'll have a short introduce about what is our community, what was the reason of its appearance and what WTM can propose women on local and global levels.
About speaker: I am currently an undergraduate student at Radiophysics and Biomedical Electronics Department. I know a little bit about everything and a little bit more about Physics, Biology and Data Analysis. Also I'm a big fan of cartoons, games (video/board), and SciFi.

2. Kateryna Sinichkina: React & Redux Best practices
Frontend - so many packages so many options. What to choose? We will exchange our experience, will talk about pain and problem solving. React and Redux, best practices and real corporate usage most of frontend technologies.
About speaker: Software Engineer in Nextiva

3. Daria Chernyshova: Automation = Selenium?
For many people, QA Automation means Selenium, and Selenium means QA Automation. There’s nothing terribly wrong about this statement. Selenium is actually a good tool: it has been a leader in its market area for many years, it is powerful, well-documented, and time-proven. And 99% of beginners’ questions are already answered on Stack Overflow!
But the world of QA Automation is not limited to Selenium. There are so much more tools to discover! Let’s speak of the alternatives we have: what automation-assisted testing is, how we can use REST API, and which UI automation tools are easier to use than Selenium.
About speaker: I am a QA Automation solutions engineer in Techery. For almost 10 years I’ve been doing manual and automated testing. I also read books, translate articles on popular science and talk to rubber ducks.

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