Lightning Talks, presented by You!

Dimensional Innovations, 3421 Merriam Dr, Overland Park, 66203

GDG Kansas City

Learn something new recently? Started using a new tool? Listen to others and have the opportunity to present something yourself.

Jan 26, 2023, 1:00 – 2:30 AM (UTC)

1 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AngularCommunity BuildingNetworkingWeb

About this event

Join JavaScript KC, AngularKC, VueKC, and GDG Kansas City for a night of learning from lightning talks.

Doors open at 6:30 pm for networking. Food and beverages are also provided thanks to our sponsors:

  • Adaptive Solutions Group
  • EqupmentShare

What's a lightning talk?

Lightning talks are designed to be short presentations between five and ten minutes long, but are usually capped at five minutes. Talks are arranged one after the other during the sessions. Lightning talks are brief which requires the speaker to make their point clearly and rid the presentation of non-critical information. This causes the audience to be more attentive to the speaker and gain a broader array of knowledge from the presentations given.


Attendees interested in presenting can signup to give a short, 5-minute talk on any topic they want (preferably technology-related please). Participants will have the opportunity to win prizes. This is meant to be a fun, light competition. It won't be an intense, heavily structured point system. Please let us know if you are interested in speaking by filling out this form:

If there’s time, we’ll also play Battledecks/PowerPoint Karaoke. What’s that?

PowerPoint karaoke is an improvisational activity in which a participant must deliver a presentation based on a set of slides that they have never seen before. The presentation can either be a real slideshow on an arcane topic, or a set of real slides from different presentations that are nonsensical when assembled together, or slides that are nonsensical on their own.


Not interested in speaking? No problem! Join us for some New Year's fun!



Thursday, January 26, 2023
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)


1:00 AMIntroduction
1:10 AMLightning Talks and Battledecks
2:00 AMEnd of talks and giveaways


Adaptive Solutions Group logo

Adaptive Solutions Group

EquipmentShare logo



  • Jay Whitsitt

    Commerce Bank


  • Roger O'Dell


  • Keerti Bajaj

    Graduate Research Assistant

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