Announcing the first Kotlin Weekend of Coding! Looking forward to discover a language that will support you in writing readable and understandable code in few lines? Without any help of any extra libraries such as Lombok, Guava and even more, Kotlin will challenge you to write code that even the business analyst should be able to understand. With Kotlin you can finally focus on the business feat
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Announcing the first Kotlin Weekend of Coding!
Looking forward to discover a language that will support you in writing readable and understandable code in few lines?
Without any help of any extra libraries such as Lombok, Guava and even more, Kotlin will challenge you to write code that even the business analyst should be able to understand. With Kotlin you can finally focus on the business features you want to implement instead working on the language itself.
Join us at Outbox on 4th August 2018 for the first Kotlin Weekend of Coding. In this workshop, you will build a simple webservice in Kotlin and hopefully see how easy it can be to write new business functionality.
If you are an Android or Website developer and want to develop apps with Kotlin this workshop will be perfect for you,this workshop is a two day event and its a payed for event and tickets are at UGX 20,000 which facilitates your meals and a Kotlin Tshirt,We have yet another cool meetup planned. This time you actually get to code yourself. In Kotlin!
Using Android Studio we will build a full Android Application using Kotlin.
What shall we cover?
Kotlin in Android (Its strength)
Using the Architecture Components library (ViewModel with retrofit)
Connect our application to the internet and download Mars Rover's photo of the day
9:00 am - 9:30 am: Registration
9:30 am - 9:45 am: - Using Intellij we will cover:
- Kotlin syntax (Another programming language like Java required)
- Using filters
- Kotlin treats (What makes Kotlin great)
9:45 am - 10:00 am: Break
10:00 am - 01:00 pm: Android using Kotlin
01:00 pm - 01:45 pm : Lunch
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm: how to integrate Kotlin with Spring
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm: Deep-dive section starts - Using Kotlin in Projects
Get your tickets using the numbers below or go to Outbox hub;
Airtel money: [masked]
MTN mobile money: [masked]
Instructors and Mentors:
1) Sseremba john; Software developer at Andela with over 5 years of experince
2) Walusimbi Alex; Software developer at innovation nest bringing a vast experience in mobile development
3) Jest Boniface; Software developer at HackshadeTechs with over 4 years of experience in the field of mobile application Development.
4) Nicodemus Ojwee; Software developer at Toll and Haben in German bringing with a vast experience in the modern software development Using Kotlin.
5) Edwin Kato; Android Engineer and a Kotlin advocate. Prior to building Android apps, he was a Backend Engineer. He was an early adopter of Kotlin and absolutely loves the language. He is currently a software engineer at Andela Uganda
What to Bring:
A laptop with Android studio installed and intellij (you can install on arrival).
- JDK 6+ installed
- An IDE with the Kotlin plugin. IntelliJ IDEA is recommended (the community edition is free) comes with the plugin installed.
Please register here
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