Star-crossed lovers: Cloud meets AI/ML

The Zone @ Rosebank, 177 Oxford Road, Johannesburg, 2196

GDG Johannesburg

"Star-crossed lovers: Cloud meets AI/ML" is an enchanting event where technology and romance intertwine. Join us for an evening of exploration as the cloud merges with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Discover the magic as these forces unite, transcending boundaries and sparking innovation. Immerse yourself in an ambiance of love, curiosity, and cutting-edge technology.

May 25, 2023, 4:00 – 7:30 PM

36 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AICareer DevelopmentCloudMachine Learning

About this event

Meet our Keynote speakers:

1) Hugo is a Machine Learning Engineer at Synthesis Software Technologies specializing in NLP during business hours, and in his free time enjoys thinking about the societal impact of AI. He loves tackling difficult problems and helping people. With a focus on fairness and transparency, Hugo strives to create meaningful and inclusive AI solutions. He combines technical expertise with strong communication skills to bridge the gap between complex concepts and real-world applications. Passionate and driven, Hugo is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI while making a positive difference in society.

Talk title:

How AI shaped me.

2) “Louis-Philip Shahim (affectionately known as LP) is a cloud architect from Synthesis Software Technologies with a deep love for all things tech and a passion that extends far beyond the digital landscape and onto the golf course. With 5 years of experience in the world of cloud engineering, LP has honed his skills in building and optimizing innovative infrastructures, all while indulging in his favourite hobbies: gaming, sports, and powering through as many Audible books as time permits.

From the moment LP first laid eyes on the ethereal beauty of cloud computing, a spark ignited within his soul. The allure of virtual servers (that aren’t impacted by Loadshedding), the elegance of data storage, and the promise of scalability stirred a deep yearning that he simply could not ignore. What started as a mere professional interest soon blossomed into an intoxicating love affair – or something like that.

Title: My Cloud Journey: A love story

Furthermore details:

-Venue: BBD software, Rosebank [by News cafe Rosebank]

-Time: 18:00 pm for 18:30 pm - 9:30 PM SAST

-Theme: Star-crossed lovers: Cloud meets AI/ML



Thursday, May 25, 2023
4:00 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


  • Michelle Piliso


  • Koketso Motseothata

    Billionaire Developers


  • Tswello Moreki

    Young Cloud Explorers

    Founder & CEO

  • Lethabo Nkwana

    GDSC Volunteer

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Featured Attendees

  • Kyle Horn



  • Gabriel Cassim

