Please register with this link: Mobile now accounts for over half of all web traffic. Users expect their small-screen experiences to be as quick and intuitive as those on desktop. But making the mobile web fast and easy takes some special skills. 53% of mobile visitors will leave if a page takes more than three seconds to load. The average page takes 22 seconds to l
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Please register with this link:
Mobile now accounts for over half of all web traffic. Users expect their small-screen experiences to be as quick and intuitive as those on desktop. But making the mobile web fast and easy takes some special skills. 53% of mobile visitors will leave if a page takes more than three seconds to load. The average page takes 22 seconds to load, so collectively we're losing a lot of mobile users and giving them a bad experience along the way. Speed is only one part of the picture when creating great mobile experiences.
• What is a Study Jam?
Many people learn better when they learn in groups. Study Jams are community-run study groups for developers covering a range of Google Developers content. Typically, Study Jams focus on completing a course, but some may focus on mastering a skill or product area.
The Study Jams objective is to raise the technical proficiency of global community members through the highest possible course completion rate.
During this event, our Facilitators will guide and teach you the concepts. After the lessons, participants will take the FREE CERTIFICATION EXAM from Google. Participants that complete the exam will receive a printable Google certificate to verify status as a certified mobile sites professional.
In this Study Jam, you will be facilitated by our 3 great facilitators: Cahyo Manda Saputro, Sayyid Maulana Khakul Yakin, and Trista Kharisma.
This event will be held on:
Saturday, March 24, 2018
1:30 PM to 6:00 PM
At ETHES Lounge, Working & Living
Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581
• Participants requirements:
- Bring your laptop (with your own internet connection is better)
- Have at least basic HTML/CSS/Javascript knowledge
Please register with this link:
• Important to know
All batches in the Web Study Jam events are the same. You do not need to attend more than one batch for certification. choose according to the time you can attend.
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