IWD 18 | GDG - WTM Jalandhar

GDG Jalandhar

• What we'll do International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8th every year. In different regions, the focus of celebrations ranges from general respect and appreciation toward women to a celebration of women's economic, political, and social achievements. People of all genders are welcome to attend our event. As always, we try to focus on the accomplishments of technologists that also ha

Mar 17, 2018, 3:30 – 11:30 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

• What we'll do
International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8th every year. In different regions, the focus of celebrations ranges from general respect and appreciation toward women to a celebration of women's economic, political, and social achievements.

People of all genders are welcome to attend our event. As always, we try to focus on the accomplishments of technologists that also happen to be women, rather than just focusing on the story of doing something as a woman. We aim to keep things positive when selecting panels, talks, keynotes, etc.

What to Expect
A Session Full of Tech, Fun Activities and Success Stories of women in the various field. At this IWD’18 we will focus on two technologies i.e Google Assistant & Firebase, after this, you will be able to make apps on Assistant for the various problem. Apart from this, we have Pizzas, Coke & Some Goodies too.

Details: https://gdgjalandhar.com/events/iwd18/

Complete Details will be updated soon....

• What to bring

• Important to know

About Women Techmakers Jalandhar
Women Techmakers is Google's global program designed to provide visibility, community and resources for women in technology. Its goal is to showcase the work of women in the technology industry by providing a platform to celebrate their talents and spotlight role models.
A special community called WTM Jalandhar has been founded for girls to bridge the gap between women who are eager to lay their hands on the latest technology.


  • Simar Preet Singh

    GDG Jalandhar

    Software Engineer

  • Amanpreet Kaur

    WTM Ambassador

  • Suraj Pandey

    Event Manager

  • Bhaskar Kumar

    Social Media Manager

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