GDG Jalandhar Developers Day 2020

GDG Jalandhar

Developers Day 2020 is a great opportunity to learn more about Google Developers Products like AMP, PWA, Firebase, Android and Google Maps Platform. The events also give one a chance to meet developer advocates and engineers who work on these products and ask them any questions one might have. GDG Jalandhar is once again hosting a workshop named “Developers Day 2020”. The conference aims at bringi

Feb 8, 2020, 3:30 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)

14 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCloudMachine LearningWeb

About this event

Developers Day 2020 is a great opportunity to learn more about Google Developers Products like AMP, PWA, Firebase, Android and Google Maps Platform. The events also give one a chance to meet developer advocates and engineers who work on these products and ask them any questions one might have. GDG Jalandhar is once again hosting a workshop named “Developers Day 2020”. The conference aims at bringing together Google technology enthusiasts of all experience levels, from new users to core developers. "Developers Day 2020" provides a platform for companies who are looking for developers to interact with and get involved with the developer community of Google as well as a great chance to connect with so many talented developers will join us from around the world.

1. State of the Web in India
2. What's new in Flutter
3. Web Assembly
4. Optimizing your web apps using Chrome DevTools
5. Grow your career with Google Devs Programs
6. What's new in Google Maps Platform
7. Intro to TensorFlow
8. Machine Learning with GCP
9. ML for Web

34-213, Lovely Professional University

1. Kamal Vaid (Google Developers Expert, AoG)
2. Vrijraj Singh (Google Developers Expert, Web)
3. Pramod Mahato (Event Organizer)
4. Shivaram Krishna (Front End Developer)
5. Arjun S (ML/AI Developer)
6. Nitish Kumar Singh (Full-Stack Developer)
7. Yash Pathak (Mobile app Developer)

#GDGJalandhar #WTMJalandhar #GDG #WTM #GDGJalandharDevsDay

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  • Simar Preet Singh

    GDG Jalandhar

    Software Engineer

  • Amanpreet Kaur

    WTM Ambassador

  • Suraj Pandey

    Event Manager

  • Bhaskar Kumar

    Social Media Manager

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