#JuaraGCP is designed to take developers in Indonesia from earning a Qwiklab badge to becoming Google Cloud certified. Attendees of #JuaraGCP would receive, \- Free one month access to Qwiklabs platform \- Receive free one month access to Coursera Google Cloud specialization and #JuaraGCP Swags upon completing at least 3 Google Cloud Qwiklab quests \- Receive a discounted exam voucher for A
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#JuaraGCP is designed to take developers in Indonesia from earning a Qwiklab badge to becoming Google Cloud certified.
Attendees of #JuaraGCP would receive,
- Free one month access to Qwiklabs platform
- Receive free one month access to Coursera Google Cloud specialization and #JuaraGCP Swags upon completing at least 3 Google Cloud Qwiklab quests
- Receive a discounted exam voucher for Associate Cloud Engineer examination upon completing Google Cloud Coursera specialization
How ?
1. Join this event
In here you will do 3 courses in Qwiklabs and get 3 badges profile.
2. Do Coursera Course
Get a free and do Coursera “Specialization on Google Cloud”
3. Get Certified
Get a voucher discount to get “Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification”
4. Congratulations now you are a “Associate Cloud Engineer”
Only register in this form: http://bit.ly/gdgjakarta-juaragcp
After you register in that form, we will send you a confirmation email prior to your attendance via [masked]. We cannot guarantee your slot unless you get a confirmation email.
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