Kotlin/Everywhere will provide hands-on sessions on building applications with kotlin and make you see the possibilities you can achieve by making use of kotlin in 2019. This event will feature as part of IO Extended event on 22nd June 2019. The event features: Codelabs and Talks
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Kotlin/Everywhere will provide hands-on sessions on building applications with kotlin and make you see the possibilities you can achieve by making use of kotlin in 2019.
This event will feature as part of IO Extended event on 22nd June 2019.
The event features:
Codelabs and
GDG Ibadan Organizer
GDG Ibadan Organizer
WTM Ibadan Lead
GDG Ibadan Organizer, WTM Ibadan Co-lead,
GDG Ibadan Design Lead
Program Manager
AltSchool Africa
Frontend Engineer
Technical Writer
Contents and Social Media Manager
Robotics and ArtificiaI Intelligence Nigeria
Volunteers Team Lead
Dream Intrepid
Technical Co-Lead
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