Google Material Design- Fundamental concept for non-designer by Women Techmakers

GDG Hong Kong

Join our free 1-hour workshop to understand the basic concept about google material design. Through knowing the basic concept of user interface design (UI design), it can enhance communications within the project team and PO/BA for drafting project requirements. Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience on UX/UI design, newbies are also welcome! 參加我們簡單和免費的1小時工作坊,你會了解有關谷歌Material Design的基本概念。通

May 23, 2020, 7:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

14 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Join our free 1-hour workshop to understand the basic concept about google material design. Through knowing the basic concept of user interface design (UI design), it can enhance communications within the project team and PO/BA for drafting project requirements. Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience on UX/UI design, newbies are also welcome!
參加我們簡單和免費的1小時工作坊,你會了解有關谷歌Material Design的基本概念。通過了解用戶界面設計(UI設計)的基本概念,可以幫助你增強項目團隊和PO / BA之間的溝通。無論你是否有界面設計的概念,均歡迎你來參與!

Topic: Google Material Design - The fundamental concept for non-designer
主題:谷歌Material Design概念工作坊(入門版)

You will learn 在這個課堂,你會學到:
Introduction of Material Design 介紹
Introduction of design system 設計系統介紹
Application of Material Design in the world 應用實例
And more! 和更多!

Who is this workshop for 誰適合參加這個工作坊?
Developer 開發者
Non-designer 非設計師
Designer 設計師
People who are interested to learn more 有興趣的公眾人士

Who runs it 工作坊導師:
This workshop is run by Mandy, a member of Google Developer Group Hong Kong, to share her learning of material design from Google I/O.
研討會由香港Google Developer Group Hong Kong成員Mandy主持,目的是分享她從Google I / O中學習到的 Material Design 知識。

**Please kindly note that this event will be conducted in Cantonese and presentation slides will be in English only.

Schedule 流程:
5 mins: Introduction Women Techmakers Hong Kong 簡介
40 mins: Speaker Introduction + Workshop 工作坊
10 mins: Q&A 問答環節

Cost 費用:
Free 免費

Format 工作坊平台:
Google Meet(RSVP in Meetup and you will receive the Google Meet link to join the workshop.) 在Meetup中登記後即可收到Google Meet鏈結。

Questions 有問題?
Just reach out to us on

Spaces are limited (first-come first served basis), register on Meetup now! Feel free to share this event to someone you think they might be interested!
登記名額有限, 先到先得, 立即在Meetup登記! 歡迎分享給有興趣的朋友喔~

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  • Thomas Chong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Homing TAM


    GDGHK Organizer

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Larry Lo

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Frankie Wu

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Allen Wyma

    Plangora Limited

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  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDGHK Helper

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG HK

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