GDG HK x WTM HK: Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session

RD Technologies, 16/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 00000

GDG Hong Kong

一齊嚟參加我哋Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session啦!我哋會準備食物及networking時間,好機會同developers、科技愛好者交流。如果你對Tech community有熱誠,嚟瞭解下傾下點樣可以積極影響我哋未來嘅developer & tech community! Join our Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session! Expect food and networking with developers & tech enthusiasts! If you're passionate about tech and want to contribute to the tech community, join us to learn more!

Dec 15, 2023, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)

73 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

一齊嚟參加我哋嘅Christmas Party啦!GDG Hong Kong x WomenTechmakers Hong Kong 將會一齊舉辦 "GDG HK x WTM HK: Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session"。嚟緊喺 12月15日晚上  喺 銅鑼灣 RD Technologies 辦公室 舉行,我哋好期待同大家一齊慶祝聖誕同埋加入我哋developer & tech community。呢個聖誕Party係一個好機會可以同developers、科技愛好者交流,認真新朋友,一齊享受節日氣氛。我哋會準備食物及networking時間,希望啟發大家多D時間交流下。

除咗聖誕派對,我哋亦會舉行GDG Hong Kong / WomenTechmakers Hong Kong既organizer招募資訊會。如果你對Tech有熱誠,想貢獻community嘅話,嚟瞭解下成為community organizer嘅角色同責任啦!傾下點樣可以積極影響我哋未來嘅developer & tech community。

無論你係經驗豐富嘅專業人士定係初入行嘅新手,呢個活動都適合你。期待Party美食 & 同大家派計,一齊度過一個難忘嘅夜晚。快啲約埋朋友一齊嚟參加,凝聚本地developer & tech community一齊慶祝Christmas!


時間:7:00pm - 9:30pm

地點: RD Technologies 辦公室(銅鑼灣謝斐道535號Tower 535 16樓)(不設Online)

=== 特別鳴謝活動場地贊助 RD Technologies ===

語言: 廣東話 (Cantonese) ***This event will mainly be conducted in Cantonese with English materials. ***


Join us for a fantastic evening of holiday cheer and exciting opportunities at the "GDG HK x WTM HK: Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session"! Get ready to connect with fellow software developers/ tech enthusiasts at Causeway Bay RD Technologies office on Dec 15 evening. It's the perfect chance to make new friends, and celebrate the festive season together.

But that's not all! We're also hosting an Organizer Recruitment Info Session for GDG HK and WTM HK. If you're passionate about technology and want to contribute to the local tech community, come learn about becoming an organizer.

Whether you're a tech pro or just starting out, this event is for you. Expect food and lively conversations that'll spark your creativity. So, grab your friends and join us for an unforgettable night of laughter, connections, and endless possibilities. Don't miss out on the "GDG HK x WTM HK: Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session" - let's celebrate the joy of the holidays together with the developer/tech community!

Date:2023 Dec 15 (Friday) 

Time:7:00pm - 9:30pm

Venue: RD Technologies office(16/F, Tower 535, No. 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)(No Online)

=== Special thanks to the event venue sponsors [RD Technologies] ===

Language: Cantonese ***This event will mainly be conducted in Cantonese with English materials. ***



Friday, December 15, 2023
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)


  • Thomas Chong

    Votee AI

    AI Research Engineer

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong


  • Amanda Lam

    Women Techmakers Hong Kong


  • Kinni Mew

    GDG Hong Kong Organizer

    Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Co-founder of TensorFlow Hong Kong


  • Thomas Chong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Homing TAM


    GDGHK Organizer

  • Emma Wong

    GDG Hong Kong

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Larry Lo

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Frankie Wu

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Allen Wyma

    Plangora Limited

    GDGHK Organizer

  • Herbert, Ho-yin Man

    GDGHK Helper

  • Desmond Yeung

    GDG HK

    GDGHK Helper

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